What Do We Cover In Your Personal Reading?
Would you benefit from a personal reading? Call Margaret at 801-575-7103 or email MR@MargaretRuth.com to set up a convenient time to meet either inperson or phone/Skype.
People like you get a reading because they have questions, about their life and their feelings, that don't seem to have ready answers:
- What is going on with me?
- Why I am so stuck?
- Will I ever get what I want?
- What's going to happen?
- Should I stay where I am at now?
- When will things get better?
- I have no idea what is going to happen to me. What can I do to make the future better?
- What do I need to know?
Because of this, I tend to specialize in complicated people, those who need a very multidimensional look at their lives in order to get some answers that make sense and feel right.

Get a reading with Margaret Ruth
The cost of your private reading with Margaret Ruth depends upon how long a session is best for you. A 45 Minute is $125.00; a 60 Minute Reading is $145.00; a 75 Minute Reading with Margaret Ruth is $170.00 USD